Emergency Financial Assistance

Madison County residents needing help during emergency situations can apply for financial assistance by calling the HAP Financial Assistance phone line at the nearest HAP location. Financial assistance may be granted in the form of help with a utility bill, rent, or mortgage expense. Financial assistance may be granted only once within a 12-month time frame.
Emergency Financial Assistance is supported by HAP member Churches and exists to help families in crisis with a short-term solution to their financial insecurity.
Clients are required to attend a financial appointment with trained HAP volunteers to determine need and are referred to other services to enable future financial security. Those in need may call the closest HAP site, at the times listed below, when a trained volunteer will answer the phone line to set financial assistance appointments for the following week.
Madison County residents will attend an Emergency Financial Assistance appointment with a trained volunteer and must provide the following:
- Proof of Madison County Residency (ex: utility bill in clients name)
- Photo I.D.
Financial Assistance Line: 256-539-2320
Answered ONLY from 9:30 – 11am on MONDAYS